Oil Tank Replacement Nassau County2024-02-07T21:07:48+00:00

Your Local Long Island Oil Tank Replacement Company

Call For A Free, No-Obligation Estimate: 516-550-5929

We can replace your basement oil tank, outdoor oil tank or your buried oil tank with a new one and we’ll transfer any remaining oil you have in your old tank to your new tank for free.

Traditionally, oil tanks were installed underground and were believed to be durable. However, we now know that these metal tanks have rusted, causing leaks and potential environmental damage. The last thing you want, as a Nassau County homeowner, is to be causing damage to your property or that of your neighbors. This is why the solution is to replace your old oil tank with a long-lasting and up-to-date fiberglass oil tank that will cause you fewer worries and work more effectively.

Tests will show whether or not your tank is currently leaking; if it is, the Department of Environmental Conservation will carry out decontamination works at your expense. Even if your tank is not currently leaking, the stress-free option is to get it abandoned and replaced as soon as possible. Yes, you could wait until there is a demonstrable problem with the old tank, but this is a false economy.

If your oil tank is 20 years or older, it may be time to replace it

You might think you’re saving money, but the longer you wait, the more expensive the final cost of removal and replacement could be. If a leak forms and is left untreated, the area of contaminated earth spreads. All of this contaminated soil will need to be removed and refilled, which is a pricey procedure. Not to mention the hassle and embarrassment of having to report an environmental hazard, as well as the potential disruption to your yard and property.

Another thing to consider is that your oil costs could be lower after you replace your oil tank. Leaks can cause your home heating oil use to increase, causing you to need more deliveries and spend more money. You can get a free estimate on oil tank replacement in Nassau County. No obligation is attached to these estimates; we just want to make sure that all information is available to you so you can make a decision about what to do with your old oil tank.

At Oil Tank Removal Nassau County we treat each case individually, offering you solutions that suit your particular case. We have extensive experience in replacing oil tanks and can offer you informed advice on the type of tank you should use to replace the old one. With us, there’s no need to worry about the possible disruption to your property. Even if excavation is necessary, but the time we are finished you won’t even know there has been any kind of work done in your backyard – that’s how much care we put into our processes.

We’re open 24/7 so call our team now to arrange your estimate. We’ll help you replace your old oil tank for a reliable, durable and environmentally-friendly one.